Institute level Roles, Responsibilities and Systems
The institutional level governance and leadership is in accordance with the vision and mission of the Institution and it is visible in various institutional practices such as transparency in implementing the plan and the strategy.
The best practices at DYPCOEII are as follows:
- Weekly meeting of Hon’ble President and Principal
- Weekly meeting of Principal and HoDs and Deans
- Weekly HoD meeting with the faculty
The interconnection of communication with internal stakeholders and external stakeholders is as shown in the Figure-1 below

Figure-1: communication with Internal stakeholders and External stakeholders
The institutional Strategic/ Perspective plan is effectively deployed:
The Vision and Mission of the DYPCOEI is not only to promote Quality Engineering Education but also to do research culminating with technological advancements to keep pace with global educational standards. The intellectual capital of the students should be useful to the society in transforming them as vibrant leaders in the corporate world.
The management gives full support in creating the necessary infrastructure and systems to execute academics. Every week, the principal use to interact with the management to discuss and meet the necessary requirements of the academic environment.
Similarly, Principal use to interact with the HoDs and HoDs to Faculty to discuss and meet the necessary requirements of the academic environment.
Head of Department (HoD) is overall responsible for establishing an ideal learning environment and promoting the departmental activities to achieve its objectives.
The Dean, Academics and Dean, Students Welfare are responsible for the smooth conduction of Academic activities and synchronously the curricular and extracurricular activities respectively.
The institute level Responsibilities and Systems are as follows:
Sr. No. | Name of the Person | Responsibility |
1. | Dr. Suresh Mali | Principal, Member Secretary of CDC and GB |
2. | Dr. Alpana Adsul | Vice-Principal & Head, Department of Computer Engineering |
3. | Mrs. Dipannita Mondal | IQAC Coordinator & Head, Department of Ai-DS |
4. | Mr. Yogesh Nagvekar | Head, Department of First Year Engineering |
5. | Dr. Deepali Sale | Dean, Research and Development & Int. Conf.–(Reviewers) |
6. | Mr. Laxmikant Malphedwar | NBA Coordinator, ERP, Lib., NPTEL & TE Internship & BE Proj. |
7. | Mr. Ravindra Daspute | Dean Academics & SPPU College Examination Officer (CEO) |
8. | Mr. Sunilkumar Yadav | Academic Monitoring Committee & Continuous Evaluation |
9. | Mr. Ashutosh Chandgude | Alumni and Campus NSS l Activity Coordinator |
10. | Mr. Vishal Borate | ICT facility Coordinator and External Online/offline Exam |
11. | Mr. Ram Khandare | Campus Electricity/Solar Sys. & Sports Activity Coordinator |
12. | Ms. Snehal Mangale | Dean, Student’s Welfare, Cultural and Social Activities |
13. | Mr. Sagar Dhanake | Technical Training (Comp) & Placement Coordinator |
14. | Mrs. Anita Shinkar | Int. Conference – (Advertisement & Paper Submissions) |
15. | Mr. T. Arivanantham | Institute e-Bulletin – Monthly activity Data Collection and Org. |
16. | Mr. Suraj Bhoite | Technical Training (AI-DS) & Placement Coordinator |
Faculty Administrative Powers
- Decentralization is in place at DYPCOEI for faculty to play an active role in infrastructure building.
- Faculty members are encouraged to participate & lead various academic & administrative roles to deliver high quality tutoring to our students.
- Faculty leaders are responsible to take & implement decisions in terms of Value added courses, curriculum delivery, pedagogy, evaluation, discipline, student faculty interaction, new developments in teaching-learning infrastructural issues.
- All faculty members can participate, debate, discuss & give suggestions in the HoD meetings which occur on weekly basis.
- The Suggestions given by the faculty or staff or students discussed in the principal meeting with HoDs and President meeting with principal.
- Faculty inputs are given due importance and faculty member’s contribution is considered for continuous improvement & development of the Institute.
- The powers of decision making are delegated to Head of the institution i.e. the Principal by which the key areas like Institution administration, University compliances, Institution Strategies and Policies, Financial Matters, Research & Development, Government & Social interface and other proceedings in the office are executed for smooth functioning of the institute.
- To facilitate and maintain the efficiency of executable systems dedicated specialized administrative committees are formed. They are Academic Review Committee, Class Review Committee, Examination Cell, Project Review Committee, Training Committee Placement Cell, Disciplinary Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee, Women Protection Cell, and Cultural Committee.
- The Institute has a set of well-defined policies of Governance that have been framed in close consultation with the internal and external stakeholders.
- These policies are communicated to students, faculty and staff members at regular intervals and also available on institute website.
- Students are briefed about these policies during the induction at the beginning of sessions for first year and direct second year lateral entry students.
- Also, faculty members remind the students from time to time regarding the importance of adhering to these policies.
- There are policies pertaining to faculty members code of conducts, employment process, Joining of faculty and staff, maternity benefit policy, leave policy, internet Policy and Performance appraisal standards.
- The Disciplinary Committee framed the policy regarding the anti-ragging to make the campus Ragging free.
- The Academic Committee prepared the policy regarding the VAP and execution of academics of the Institution as per the Industrial needs.
- Examination Cell has framed policy for valuation, paper setting, and proper conduction of SPPU exams, Malpractices, and results analysis.
- Library Committee has framed the policy which would ensure the Institutional Library and reading room as per the need of all students
- Training and Placement Cell has developed well thought out policy to make all students undergo pre-placement training in soft skills and technical domain areas to get them placed in well reputed multu national companies.
- All faculty members are given certain administrative responsibilities.
- The delegation of responsibilities leads to transparency, faculty development and faculty enrichment.
- The institute follows delegation, decentralization and empowerment policies while entrusting the responsibilities to faculty and staff.
- In view of above, the institute plans and declares various academic committees covering both faculty and administrative staff.
- The collective decision making is encouraged at all levels including student council.
- In addition to teaching, the faculty members are involved in Research, Training, Administration of academic matters and student activities.
- The faculty members through various committees in coordination with fellow faculty fraternity carry out different academic activities.
- The faculty members are involved in multiple activities including teaching, research, training, admissions, administration and Industrial interactions.
- They are mainly responsible for delivering course curriculum, remedial and introduction of new VAP, delivery of program, and continuous evaluation.
- The different academic activities are carried out by the faculty members through various committees in close co-ordination with the students.
Higher level committee consisting of GB, CDC, DABs with Principals, Deans, HoDs and senior professors after in-depth discussions and by considering vision, mission, quality policy, core values, social factor and SWOC (Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities and Challenges) analysis established a strategic plan with well-defined objectives and mechanism for its effective implementation and monitoring.
DYPCOEI has successfully implemented strategic measures for improving academic performance through VAP, research activities, industry interactions, cultural, sports and social activities.
The department of Computer Engineering and AI-DS launched mainly focusing on development of skills among students. All faculty has taken responsibility to design and implement the specific VAP.
The students will explore to real life problems, critical thinking and problem-solving techniques such as PBL, mini projects, seminars and final year projects.
For proper implementation of all systems several need based committees are formed time to time. Working plans are designed for all functionaries. All committees along with in-charges are constituted keeping in mind students’ welfare and their development along with proper execution of plan. To mention a few – Time Table committee and in-charge prepares the departmental time table for all classes keeping in mind available teaching faculty and courses to be taught. Proper Care is taken that all classes are commenced on time. E-MIS system, HoD, Principal & other in-charge heads inspect it regularly, that theory and practical sessions are running in proper discipline with proper ICT tools. Anti-ragging committee make sure that discipline is maintained and no ragging case is going to report. This promotes a cordial environment in the institution. NSS officers promote the hidden social service spirit in students and they learn to take care of environment, cleanliness social issues.
The DYPCOEI Management regularly monitors the plans and policies to be implemented. The principal, deans and HoDs censures that discipline is maintained in college and no ragging is done in the institution. Care is taken that no harassment of women is possible in and around the campus.
Admission committee of the college takes care that all rules and regulations stipulated by Government of Maharashtra and DTE are followed and admissions are granted to all the eligible candidates.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of DYPCOEI has been constituted in view of improvement of the quality in education as mandated by the NAAC. The IQAC of DYPCOEI works towards realizing the goals as stated in its vision and mission of the institute.
The IQAC is indeed a step towards quality assurance mandate in the field of education. The IQAC organises programmes such as seminars – both at State and National levels to benefit not only the students and faculty but also other stakeholders and shall conduct lot more in future also.