Transparent Student Evaluation Policy
At the DYPCOEI, an examination cell is constituted every academic year, comprising of a senior Faculty member as College Examination Officer (CEO), Senior Supervisor, Asst. Senior Supervisor, other teaching faculty and non-teaching staff as members for smooth conduction of end semester examination.
The end semester examination is conducted by SPPU, and the students appear for the examinations conducted in the college. The college follows strictly the guidelines and rules issued by the SPPU while conducting internals mid-SEM and external End-SEM examinations. For conducting the internal assessment test, a department level coordinator/committee is constituted for smooth conduction of internal assessment within the department.
Broadly, there are two assessments at DYPCOEI:
(1) Comprehensive External End Semester Examination (ESE) and
(2) Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA).
The ESE is controlled by the affiliated university i. e. SPPU. The role of the institution is to implement the directions given by SPPU. The exam-related activities of ESE such as the preparation of question papers, exam supervision, answer-sheet evaluation, result declaration, etc. are carried out by the SPPU. All information related to ESE is communicated in advance, and the same is communicated to the students accordingly by all the HoDs.
The assessment ratio of ESE and CIA was 70:30 respectively. The CIA is controlled by the HoDs and Exam Cell whereas the College Examination Officer (CEO) will control the entire process. The preparation of the question paper, smooth conduct of the Exam, and evaluation are carried out on directions of the College Examination Officer (CEO) for Mid-Sem evaluation. The total mark for CIA is 50 The distribution of marks for CIA and ESE is explained in Figure below.

The DYPCOEI is keen to address grievances related to assessments (both ESE and CIA). Students have multiple channels to raise their grievances including the subject teacher, teacher Guardian (TG), Head of the Department, CEO, Principal, and the web portal. To take appropriate action, the grievances are classified into College Level and University Levels.
If a student raises that the marks, he/she scored for any paper is not up to his/her expectations, the student can opt for revaluation through a letter within seven days of declaring the results on notice board. The students can also make use of the web portal or suggestion box. The principal, IQAC, and CEO continuously observe every process of internal assessments and make necessary rectifications. The action taken on the grievances will be communicated to students within a stipulated time period.
The grievances related to end-semester SPPU examinations such as revaluation, duration, and relevance of the question are collected by the principal through the HoDs and CEO, and the same is communicated to the exam section of the SPPU. Students can obtain photocopies of their answer sheets from the University. The university section officer of the college will take necessary follow-ups and the same will be communicated to the students on time.

DYPCOEI has taken the following measures to achieve transparency in the internal assessment process:
- A planned exam schedule in the DYPCOEI Calendar
- Consolidation and calculation of CIA explained to students at the beginning of the semester and after evaluation (Grievance if any)
- The CIA schedule and Practical/Oral Question Patterns are circulated to all the students
- The final ‘internal marks’ are verified and signed by the concerned class teacher, HoD and Principal and displayed it on Notice Bord or circulated . A copy is displayed on the notice board.