Policy Statement:
DYPCOEI takes great pride in its Green Campus, therefore, the Management, faculty, staff and students will strive while incorporating green initiatives in the best interest of the Environment.
DYPCOEI ला त्याच्या ग्रीन कॅम्पसचा खूप अभिमान आहे, म्हणून व्यवस्थापन, प्राध्यापक, कर्मचारी आणि विद्यार्थी पर्यावरणाच्या सर्वोत्तम हितासाठी हरित उपक्रमांचा समावेश करताना प्रयत्नशील राहतील.
This policy will play an integral role as Dr. D. Y. Patil College of Engineering and Innovation (DYPCOEI) continues to develop an environmentally sustainable and economically viable campus that reflects the DYPCOEI core values. This statement represents a commitment by the DYPCOEI to meet the needs of students, faculty and staff while preserving the environment for future generations.
DYPCOEI is committed to preparing its students to become engaged environmental citizens on campus, in their own communities and throughout their lives. The DYPCOEI will educate the students and implement the best practices to improve the environmental footprint of the campus and its operations. DYPCOEI will strive for meeting the India’s sustainable development goals.
DYPCOEI Environmental and Energy policy applies to all the Stakeholders of the DYPCOEI, including students, faculty, staff and management.
The following are the guidelines intend for the sound ecological management of the DYPCOEI Campus ongoing operations.
• DYPCOEI will consider the environmental impact of its development, communications, procurement, curriculum, research and campus activities.
• DYPCOEI will encourage the reuse of water by recycling the waste and sewage water.
• DYPCOEI will strive to practice ecological responsibility focused on the preservation of its natural gardens with Trees and Plants and Landscaping.
• DYPCOEI will widen its commitment to environmental education by introducing courses, practical and projects relevant to the environmental content.
• DYPCOEI will effectively manage the waste with proper waste segregation and disposal.
• DYPCOEI will strive to augment Renewable Energy such as Solar for its energy requirement and Solar water heating system.
• DYPCOEI will carry out energy auditing to assess the usage of Electricity by different electrical installations.
• DYPCOEI will effectively monitor Air and Noise Pollution.
• DYPCOEI will effectively segregate the electronic waste and dispose the same to the proper Government approved agencies.
• DYPCOEI will purchase ENERGY STAR rated appliances and computers, paper products from responsible vendor.
• DYPCOEI will maintain a user-friendly sustainability website with tips, links and suggestions for meeting policy guidelines.
• DYPCOEI will implement and install presence sensor at strategic locations.
• DYPCOEI will strive to install water efficient dispensers.
• DYPCOEI will implement, Ground water rejuvenation techniques in the campus. The DYPCOEI will emphasize on complete ban and usage of Plastic.
• DYPCOEI will build Pedestrian Friendly Pathways for the safe and easy movement of Staff & Students in the campus.
DYPCOEI executes the Quality audits on environment and energy on regular basis. The DYPCOEI sanctions its commitment to environment and energy initiatives through the below following practices:
1. Green audit / Environment audit
2. Energy audit
3. Clean and green campus initiatives
4. Plastic free campus
5. Beyond the campus environmental promotion activities
Green Audit/Environment Audit
The college conducts Green Audits and Environment Audits yearly to assess our assets and weaknesses to target our goals of long-term sustainability. A Green Audit, well known as an Environment Audit is a complete assessment of an organization’s environmental performance as well as the impact. It involves estimating the organization’s day to day policies, practices, and procedures to identify areas where environmental improvements can be taken into consideration. The main purpose of a Green Audit is to promote the environmental sustainability by identifying potential risks, and ensuring compliance with relevant environmental laws and regulations. A green audit is a beneficial tool to determine the utilization of energy or water resources. The college plans to implement and works on the cost cutting and saving strategy.
The internal audits are conducted by the Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) cell members under the guidance of IQAC Head Cell and Principal every year. The college also invites and plans to implement an ISO certification by ISO-certified external auditing agency to conduct our annual Green/Environment audits.
Energy Audit
Energy audits play a vital role in helping organizational development by preparing the individuals improve their energy efficacy rate, lessen energy consumption, and achieve overall various targets related to economic, environmental, and social benefits.
By realizing the importance of evaluating our energy usage, an Energy Audit is conducted every year in the college campus. The statistical values are evaluated and different saving techniques are planned and implemented in the campus. The college is dedicated to further reduce its carbon footprint. The energy audit, uses specialized tools, that helps to identify wastage of energy. The flaws that are detected during the inspection often have easy and affordable solutions thereby providing significant savings. The college plans for ISO certification by an ISO-certified external agency to conduct the energy audit. The college takes into understanding the remarks and implements the endorsements of the auditing agency to reduce energy consumption.
Clean and Green Campus initiatives
Under National Service Scheme the college takes initiatives to inculcate mass awareness about cleanliness as well as hygiene among the students, staff, and faculty members by holding regular cleanliness drives in campus as well as beyond campus. The college displays environmental policies on campus and is very active with its maintenance department wherein the supervisor gives a detailed report of all the maintenance activities undertaken daily. The college arranges various events in collaboration with ministries, NSS as well as NGOs to ensure an eco-friendly and hygienic environment on campus.
DYPCOEI “ A Plastic Free Campus ”
DYPCOEI has been observing most of its duties in terms of solid waste management since its inception. In view of the Government of India’s resolution to ban all single use plastics due to the hazardous impact of plastic use and pollution, the college administration strictly bans the use of single use plastics in its premise to make it “Plastic Free Campus.”
Beyond Campus Environmental Promotion Activities
The National Service Scheme (NSS)
DYPCOEI organizes numerous events to spread awareness among the surrounding community about the Environment and promotes various activities beyond the campus. They conduct tree plantation drives, cleanliness drives, in various parts of the city. The NSS Cell of the college also sensitizes, trains the students about environmental issues, and ensures students’ participation in various activities and outreach programs.
The college acknowledges its duty to safeguard and preserve the environment by various activities. In order to fulfill this commitment, it undertakes various infrastructural projects and actively promotes environmental awareness and consciousness, not only within the campus but also extending beyond its boundaries.