Academic Monitoring Committee (AMC)

Academic Monitoring Committee (AMC)


To encourage and motivate students and faculty to strive for academic excellence.


Continuous monitoring of academics and evaluation activities of the institute for their smooth functioning and to enhance the efficiency maintaining the uniformity in all the departments.


The objective of the Academic Monitoring Committee is to monitor the academic and evaluation activities of the institute, review and make recommendations to the institute’s administration about academic process and strategic priorities.

To achieve its objectives the committee ensures:

  • The smoot and uniform execution of academics and evaluation process across all the departments.
  • Attendance of the students, class time table, Theory and practical sessions.
  • The academic quality issues remain at top priority of the institution.


Following are the activities for the smooth functioning of academic work:

  • Assigning the class rooms and make sure of seating arrangements (benches) for students in each class rooms at the beginning of the term and inspection of other infrastructural facility like teaching boards,
  • Display of time table on the notice board and on website.
  • Ensure about regular and consistence conduction of Theory and Practical sessions.
  • Preparation of Course file and Course Plan to be submitted to ERP
  • Green Book Attendance data entry and ERP updates
  • Defaulter students and their remedial actions/sessions
  • Mid-term Submission and In-SEM examinations
  • Data Entry of TW/PR/OR/Seminar/Project at SPPU Exam Portal
  • Project/ Seminar Calendar Execution
  • Monitoring of Institute Academic web pages on intranet
Sr. No. Name of the Person Position
1. Dr. Suresh Mali Principal
2. Mr. Ravindra Daspute Dean, Academics and Examinations
3. Mr. Sunilkumar Yadav AMC Coordinator
4. Dr. Alpana Adsul Vice-Principal, HoD, Dept. of Computer Engineering
5. Mrs. Dipannita Mondal IQAC Coordinator, Hod, Dept of AI-DS
6. Mr. Yogesh Nagvekar HoD, Department of First Year Engineering
7. Dr. Deepali Sale Dean, Research and Development
8. Mr. Dnyanesh Gaikwad   Time-Table Coordination, Computer Engineering
9. Mr. Suraj Bhoite Time-Table Coordination, Ai-DS
10. Mr.  Hari Aiwale Time-Table Coordination, First Year Engineering