The alumni meet was attended by 57 student Alumni and 06 faculty Alumni.
Each alumni was given a feedback form and asked to fill the same by giving the ratings and return after the meet concluded. The questionnaire of the feedback form were as mentioned below.
An alumni meet for the alumni of Dr.D.Y.Patil College of Engineering and Innovation, Varale was held on 03rd June 2022.This meet was attended by the student Alumni and faculty alumni as well.
More than student 50 Alumni and 10 faculty Alumni graced this meet with their presence.
All the student alumni and faculty alumni were invited by forwarding the above invitation cards through E-mails and social media. A Google form was also designed to receive responses from the invitees about their attendance to the Alumni Meet.

Invitation for Alumni Meet
The events and activities of the Alumni meet took place as per the Agenda stated below.

Dr.Sushant Patil, President of Dr.DY Patil Educational Federation, Varale was the Chief Guest for the Alumni MeSet.
Mrs.Anuja Patil, Secretary- Dr.DY Patil Educational Federation, Varale was the Guest of Honour. Other dignitaries present were –
Mr.Vidyanand Mankar, Executive Director,Dr.DY Patil Educational Federation, Varale.
Dr.Suresh Mali, Principal, Dr.DY Patil College of Engineering & Innovation, Varale.
Dr.Priyanka Singh, Director, Dr.DY Patil Institute of Management and Entrepreneur Development, Varale
Mr.Pramod Pande, Principal, Dr.DY Patil Junior College of Science, Varale
Prof.Dipannita Mondal, HOD-FE hosted the meet skillfully.
Prof. Ashutosh Chandgude welcomed the alumni and dignitaries through a welcome speech. He stated that it is always a delightful experience to meet your alumni.
Mr.Vidyanand Mankar provided the progress report of the DYPEF campus through his speech. He described the changes happened in the campus from the foundation years till today.
Dr.S.uresh Mali described the objectives and importance of the Alumni meet.Alumni meets not only have academic importance but are also a socially important event to reconnect with other alumni and faculties.
Dr.Priyanka Singh, in her speech stated that an alumni is like a family member to its institute and hence this relation does not end.
Mr.Pramod Pande,in his speech suggested the students to take an example for career growth from Dr.Sushant Patil’s and Mrs Anuja Patil’s career graph.
Mr. Vipul Mahindrakar, stated in his speech described how the important an Alumni meet is for establishing connections with industries and its requirements,
Mrs.Anuja Patil gave the final speech of the meet. She motivated the students to believe in themselves and stated that it is important to have higher goals in life.
A committee was set up for organizing and smooth conduction of Alumni Meet’2022. The committee members and their respective tasks were as mentioned below.
Sr. No | Name of Committee | Name of Staff | Department |
1. | Cultural Committee | Prof.Ashok Patil | Computer Engg |
Prof.Yogesh Shepal | Computer Engg | ||
2. | Food Committee | Prof.Siddharth Suman | Mechanical Engg |
Prof.A.S.Kharat | Mechanical Engg | ||
3. | Stage Activity | Prof.Jordan Chaudhari | Computer Engg |
Mr.Siddhu Jadhav | Mechanical Engg | ||
4. | Welcome Committee | Prof.Pooja Kirange | Civil Engg |
Prof.Pooja Patil | Civil Engg | ||
Prof.Mayuri Ghatge | Computer Engg | ||
Atharva Kulkarni | Mechanical Engg | ||
Pravin Kakad | Student,TE-Civil | ||
Omkar Rakh | Student,TE-Civil | ||
Nayan Sankpal | Student,TE-Civil |
The achievements obtained by Alumni in their respective working fields is a matter of pride to their institute also. To honor the achievements of the alumni, following mentioned distinguished alumni were felicitated
Sr. No | Name of Alumnus | Year of Passed | Achievement |
1 | Mr.Mandar Ghadge | 2017-18 | Entrepreneur in Building planning and Construction services. |
2 | Ms.Pradnya Jadhav | 2019-20 | Engineer in specialization for Estimation and Billing of Construction Projects |
3 | Mr.Shubham Kshirsagar | 2020-21 | Entrepreneur in Building planning and Construction services. |
4 | Mr.Rakesh Man | 2017-18 | Executive Engineer Trainee at National Thermal Power Corporation |
5 | Mr.Vaibhav Hande | 2018-19 | Founder of Elysian Elevators Company |
6 | Mr.Vishal Repal | 2018-19 | Project Manager – L&T |
A project competition was organized in the last week of May 2022. The winners of the project competition are as mentioned below.
Winner No. | Name of Project Members | Branch | Project Title | Project Sponsored by |
1 | a.Jaideep Nirne, b.Pavan Patil, c.Trupti More, d.Utsav Gaikwad | Civil | Efficiency of slow sand filter for waste water treatment | Self-Sponsored |
1 | a.Lonkar Rajkumar, b.Jadhav Dattatray, c.Soman Shreyas, d.Gurufale Shivling, e.Pawar Mayur | Mechanical | Design and Development of Light Weight Face Milling Cutter to Increase Productivity of 3.3L Cylinder Head | Siddhivinayak RMC Suppliers,Ravet,Pune |
2 | a.Yogesh Amilkantwar, b.Gaurav Manhas, c.Neha Lokhande, d.Mandira Macharla | Civil | Design and Development of Light Weight Face Milling Cutter to Increase Productivity of 3.3L Cylinder Head | TATA Motors Limited,Pune |
2 | a.Yogesh Mahajan, b.Shrihari Khanse, c.Swapnil Kamble, d.Monish Gadhave, e.Sagar Jatak | Mechanical | Design and Fabrication of SMS Based Pneumatic Ramming Machine | Self-Sponsored |
TOPPERS OF SEM-I (A.Y 2021-22)
Sr. No | Name of Student | Class | SGPA |
1 | Nayan Sankpal | SE Civil | 9.27 |
2 | Mahesh Desale | TE Civil | 9.43 |
3 | Pavan Borlar | BE Civil | 9.82 |
4 | Savita Tone | SE Mech | 9.14 |
5 | Dipak Patil | TE Mech | 9.67 |
6 | Dattatray Jadhav | BE Mech | 9.95 |
7 | Ekta Kushwaha | FE | 10 |
8 | Rushikesh Kolte | SE Comp | 9.73 |
9 | Vaishnavi Swami | TE Comp | 10 |
The alumni meet was attended by 57 student Alumni and 06 faculty Alumni.
Each alumni was given a feedback form and asked to fill the same by giving the ratings and return after the meet concluded. The questionnaire of the feedback form were as mentioned below.
Question No. | Question |
Q.1 | How will you rate the overall organization of this Alumni meet? |
Q.2 | Curriculum is structured, comprehensive, relevant and arranged properly. |
Q.3 | Curriculum is effective in enhancing team-work. |
Q.4 | Curriculum is effective in developing analytical and problem solving skills. |
Q.5 | Curriculum is effective in enhancing constructive learning. |
Q.6 | Curriculum has relevance to real life situations, reflects current trends and practices in the respective discipline. |
Prepared by
Ashutosh Chandgude
DYPCOEI Alumni Coordinator